The Powerpoint presentations that I use in class are
uploaded after class. Sometimes I forget. If
you need to access a presentation, and I have not posted it yet, please
email me.
Depending on
your browser, you may view them on-line or download them and view them
using Powerpoint. Please keep in mind that these figures act as a
jumping off point for teaching and discussing in class, and there may
be information that was discussed in class that did not have an
accompanying figure. Click on the dates to access the
8/27 or 28 Class Introduction
9/3 or 4 Strong
Inference (article
as pdf)
9/8 or 9 What is in a
scientific journal article?
9/10 or 11 What is an
inquiry, and how do I figure out what to do?
Lab Week of 9/8 Articles and Database searches: (intro to sci lit.ppt, tools for using dBs.ppt, and where and how to search.ppt)
9/15 or 16 What is peer
9/17 or 18 Statistics 1 (mean,
median, mode, standard deviation, and T-test)
9/22 or 23 Statistics2
(Outliers and Dixon's Q test, R2)
9/24 or 25 no class
Lab Week of 9/22
Statistics practice
9/29 or 30 Inquiry 2 and
Statistics: samples vs populations
10/1 or 2 Inquiry 2: who,
what, where, when, and how
10/6 or 7 Ethics: Patenting
10/8 or 9 Ethics:
Authorship and Conflicts of Interest
10/13 guest lecture, History of Discovery- Dr. Stan Roux
10/14 guest lecture, History of Discovery- Dr. Jennifer Moon
10/15 or 16 The Art of
10/20 or 21 Inquiry 2
reports and improving your written report
10/22 or 23 guest lecture, History of Discovery- Dr. Camille
10/27 or 28
Conflicting Data and Human Evolution
10/29 or 30
Ethics: Can we experiment on non-human animals becasue they are
different from us?
11/3 or 4
Ethics: Why use animals for research?
11/5 or 6 Patents: What
are they, what do they do, and why would I want one?
11/10 or 11 Funding
University Research
11/12 or 13 What is the
difference between an undergraduate and an emeritus professor?
11/17 or 18 What happens
after graduation?