Lemmings Motorcycle Club and Adventure Society
If you ride a motorcycle, and you are adventurous, then you can be a
The Lemmings T-shirt design. Don't leave home without your
gang colors.
We've never had a meeting, and our group outings occur sporadically and
mostly by chance.
Lemmings mottos to live by:
- It is better to race motorcycles and lose than race cars and win.
- A bad day racing is better than a good day at work, but usually
- Wherever you go, I go, except when you are going the wrong way or
way I don't like, then I go my way, and you go your way.
Live to Ride, Ride to Live!!!
Here's a picture of the Lemmings on an outing to Luckenbach,
Texas. It is an actual place, not just a song lyric.
Here is future Lemmings member, and my nephew, Zachary.

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