Wedelia texana

Common Name:  Orange Zexmenia, Hairy Wedelia

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Wedelia texana head.jpg (21759 bytes)

Wedelia hispida head.jpg (26014 bytes)
head--what kind of flowers are present--disk, ray, or both?   also, notice the orangish yellow color of the head head again, showing part of the long peduncle

Wedelia hispida headcloseup.jpg (28328 bytes)

Wedelia hispida leafcloseup.jpg (51387 bytes)
head closeup--do you see the disk corollas on the open disk flowers? leaf closeup--these leaves are very coarse to the touch!
Wedelia texana habit8.jpg (143951 bytes)
habit--zexmenia is a suffruticose perennial (meaning that it is woody at the base of the stems)