Hymenopappus artemisiifolius

Common Name:  Ragweed Woolly-White, Wild Cauliflower

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Hymenopappus artimesiaefolius habit1.jpg (104090 bytes)

Hymenopappus artimesiaefolius heads2.jpg (51030 bytes)
habit heads
Hymenopappus artimesiaefolius heads1.jpg (35358 bytes) hymenopappus.artemisifolius.1.jpg (57298 bytes)
heads just opening--the disk flowers are still closed.  The white structures surrounding the heads are the phyllaries. older heads showing opened disk flowers
Hymenopappus artimesiaefolius leaf1.jpg (45395 bytes)
leaf--this leaf is simple and pinnately lobed (and can thus be termed pinnatifid)