![]() Why should I take this course? ![]() Why are some genes dominant while others are recessive? Why do most, but not all, species reproduce by sexual reproduction? Why did sexual reproduction evolve and how is it maintained in face of the huge cost of passing on the genes of another individual rather than just one's own? Why are sex ratios often near 50:50? Why do females and males often differ in size and strength? Why do females have longer life expectancies than males? Why do female humans undergo menopause, but males do not? Why are some species promiscuous, others monogamous, and still others polygamous? Why are we jealous of our mates when they flirt with others of our own sex? How do parasites, including sexually-transmitted diseases, evolve? Why do we have a subconscious mind? How do parasites influence the behavior of their hosts? Why are some individuals, such as bees and wasps, so willing to give up their own lives in defense of others? Why are some species rare, but others abundant? Why are some species specialized and others generalized? Why are some species much more fecund than others? Why do many species of birds migrate in the autumn? Why do we become senile as we grow old? Must we die? In this course, you will learn to think in terms of natural selection, and you will be given the tools to understand why any biological phenomenon has evolved. Most people consider the study of biology, particularly ecology, to be a luxury that they can do without. They are wrong. Even many medical schools no longer require that premedical students major in biology. Basic biology is hardly a luxury, but rather an absolute for all living creatures. Other life forms are not irrelevant to our own existence. We rely on other organisms for food, medicine, shelter, and clothing. Humans could not exist without our symbiotic bacteria, let alone without the endosymbiotic photosynthetic chloroplasts housed by all green plants. An understanding of basic parasitology is needed to control epidemics in human populations. Similarly, knowledge of basic principles of community organization and ecosystem function are essential for wise exploitation of both natural and agricultural ecological systems. ![]() Basic ecological research is extremely urgent simply because the worldwide press of humanity is rapidly driving other species extinct and destroying the very systems that ecologists seek to understand. No natural community remains pristine. Unfortunately, many will disappear without even being adequately described, let alone remotely understood. As existing species go extinct and even entire ecosystems disappear, we lose forever the very opportunity to study them. Knowledge of their evolutionary history and adaptations vanishes with them: we are thus losing access to biological information itself. Indeed, "destroying species is like tearing pages out of an unread book, ![]() Pristine natural ecological systems hold precious information about community organization that we cannot afford to lose. We must preserve them and study them. Beyond such human-oriented arguments, other species have a right to exist, too, as proven products of natural selection that have adapted to Earth's natural environments over millennia. ![]() ![]() Genetic Engineering ![]() ![]() Such recombinant DNA technology has also enabled us to produce useful new life forms such as pollutant-eating bacteria that can help us to clean up what's left of our environment. However, the safety of research on such man-made transgenic organisms raises legitimate concerns, particularly the possibility of accidental release of virulent strains that might attack humans. Such concerns have been addressed by implementation of strict containment procedures for recombinant DNA products, as well as by selecting and creating host organisms for foreign DNA that are incapable of surviving outside the laboratory. However, the genie has already gotten out of the bottle. ![]() Conflict Between Human Activities and Preservation of Wilderness ![]() The human population explosion has been fueled by habitat destruction -- we are usurping resources once exploited by other species. Massive consumption of fossil fuels for argriculture has also contributed greatly to overpopulation (food leads population). We are rapidly running out of arable soils and many other resources, especially fossil fuels. ![]() ![]() During the past third of a century, world population has doubled from about 3.4 billion people to almost 7 billion (that's 7,000 million!). In some parts of the world, human populations are growing even faster. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() People everywhere today stand ready to rape and pillage their wildernesses ("wastelands") for whatever they can be forced to yield. Raw materials, such as ore, lumber, and even sand (used to make glass), are harvested in vast quantities. Big companies enjoy privileged status, excluding the public from extensive areas, producing great ugly clear cuts, vast deep open pit mines, instant but permanent, man-made mountains, eyesores paying testimony to the avaricious pursuit of timber, precious metals and minerals. ![]() Deforestation is nearly complete in many parts of the world. Overgrazing is rampant. Grasses and the shrub understory have been virtually eliminated over extensive areas. It is quite instructive to come upon a fenced graveyard, and to see a small patch of country as it must have been before the land rape by the pastoral industry. Native hardwoods are wasted to make charcoal and burned for firewood. Lumberjacks will soon be out of work whether or not the remaining timber is cut. Should forest habitats be saved? Is there enough left to save? This sort of pillage continues. Virtually everywhere, often with governmental subsidies and incentives, forests, deserts, and scrublands are being levelled and turned into fields for crops. Many of these fields are marginal and will soon have to be abandoned, transformed into great man-made vegetationless deserts. More dust bowls are in the making. ![]() ![]() In some regions, such as Australia, replacement of the drought-adapted deep rooted native vegetation with shallow rooted crop plants has reduced evapotranspiration, thus allowing the water table to rise, bringing deep saline waters to the surface. Such salinization reduces productivity and seems to be irreversible. Many deserts have so far been able to resist the tidal wave of advancing human exploiters, but some people dream of the day when technological "advances," such as water plans to move "excess" water or the distillation of sea water, will make it possible to develop desert regions (i.e., to replace them with vast agricultural fields, or even cities). Antonyms, such as "sustainable development," are strung together by politicians and developers to make oxymorons in an attempt to make all this destruction and homogenization seem less offensive. Humans won't be satisfied until we have taken over the entire Earth! Only during the last few generations have biologists been fortunate enough to be able to travel with ease to remote wilderness areas. Panglobal comparisons have broadened our horizons immensely. This is a fleeting and unique opportunity in the history of humanity, for never before could scientists get virtually anywhere. However, all too soon, there won't be any pristine natural habitats left to study. Ecology may turn out to be one of the shortest lived of all sciences. Over 40 years ago, in a setpiece of rational thought that deserves much more attention than it has so far received, Garrett Hardin [Science 162: 1244 (1968) Download Hardin's article] perceived a fly in the ointment of freedom, which he explained as follows: "The tragedy of the commons develops in this way. Picture a pasture open to all. It is to be expected that each herdsman will try to keep as many cattle as possible on the commons. Such an arrangement may work reasonably satisfactorily for centuries because tribal wars, poaching, and disease keep the numbers of both man and beast well below the carrying capacity of the land. Finally, however, comes the day of reckoning, that is, the day when the long-desired goal of social stability becomes a reality. At this point, the inherent logic of the commons remorselessly generates tragedy. As a rational being, each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain. Explicitly or implicitly, more or less consciously, he asks, "What is the utility to me of adding one more animal to my herd?" This utility has one negative and one positive component. 1) The positive component is a function of the increment of one animal. Since the herdsman receives all the proceeds from the sale of the additional animal, the positive utility is nearly +1. 2) The negative component is a function of the additional overgrazing created by one more animal. Since, however, the effects of overgrazing are shared by all the herdsman, the negative utility for any particular decision-making herdsman is only a fraction of -1. Adding together the component partial utilities, the rational herdsman concludes that the only sensible course for him to pursue is to add another animal to his herd. And another; and another . . . But this is the conclusion reached by each and every rational herdsman sharing a commons. Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom of the commons brings ruin to all." Hardin's logic is compelling: overgrazing of public lands, overfishing of the oceans, pollution of the atmosphere and oceans all serve as ample testimony to its accuracy. He extends his argument to pollution and unlimited reproduction, noting that the "tragedy of the commons" theme recurs and underlies these and other serious human problems. Hardin suggests that a commons is acceptable only at low population densities and that we can no longer afford to have commons. But it is not so easy to escape from this trap: the Earth and its atmosphere and oceans themselves constitute commons that all humans must share whether we like it or not. Examples include the rush to catch the last of the great whales and the ongoing destruction of earth's atmosphere (ozone depletion, acid rain, carbon dioxide enhanced greenhouse effect, etc.). Global weather modification is a very real and an exceedingly serious threat to all of us, as well as to all other species of plants and animals struggling to continue their existence on this beleagured planet. ![]() ![]() This increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide has enhanced atmospheric heat retention and would have produced global warming sooner except for the high specific heat of water -- the oceans have absorbed a vast amount of waste heat and saved us from ourselves. Dumb luck has also played its part -- a fortuitous spin-off of atmospheric pollution is that particulate matter increased earth's albedo (reflectance of solar irradiation), so that less solar energy penetrates to the surface (volcanic ash in the atmosphere has the same effect). Until recently these two opposing phenomena more or less balanced one another, but now the balance has clearly shifted and the "greenhouse effect" is leading to rapid global warming. Long-held meterological records the world over are being broken: many of the hottest years on record have occurred in recent years, including the lowest low pressure zones ever recorded followed by the highest high pressure area ever measured during recorded history. These are not random events, but are almost certainly direct consequences of human-induced changes in Earth's atmosphere. Global warming is having its impact on virtually all plants and animals, including humans, and its effects will continue to intensify into the forseeable future. Big oil and some people in our government don't want you to know that global warming is changing climate and perhaps even things like hurricanes -- of course, the more humans you pack in on the surface of the Earth, the more such things are going to decimate human populations. ![]() ![]() ![]() People will be appalled that scientists cannot restore the atmosphere to its former condition. But, there can be no quick "technological fix" for Earth's much maligned atmosphere. The continuing existence of all the denizens of this poor beleaguered planet, including ourselves, will ultimately depend more on our ecological understanding and wisdom than it will on future technological "advances." ![]() Unlimited cheap clean energy, such as that so ardently hoped for in the concept of cold fusion, would actually be one of the worst things that could possibly befall humans. Such energy would enable well-meaning but uninformed massive energy consumption and habitat destruction (i.e., mountains would be levelled, massive water canals would be dug, ocean water distilled, water would be pumped and deserts turned into green fields of crops). Heat dissipation would of course set limits, for when more heat is produced than can be dissipated, the resulting thermal pollution would quickly warm the atmosphere to the point that all life is threatened, perhaps the ultimate ecocatastrophe. Watch Domino Effects Spaceship Earth Can Humans Share Spaceship Earth? Why Can't We Humans Share Spaceship Earth? Can Human Instincts Be Controlled? On Human Nature To go to Pianka Lab Homepage Last updated 12 August 2016 by Eric R. Pianka |